Playlist management

Importation in foobar 2000

It could be done via:

Sorting order after importation

Adding files could be done in many ways, while some prefer the file path, others prefer the album, artist, genre,tracknumber value . With foobar, you can customize how it is done without having to go to the "sort by" command. By default it is setted to: %_path%|$num(%_subsong%,9) : the filepath and then the tracknumber value. You can change it easily, see the titleformat_help.html file in your foobar directory to have some help or the internet version of the same page .

Change with : You can also add secondary settings with the " | " separator. For example %_path% | %artist% | %album% | $num(%_subsong%,9) . The sorting will be done according to the path, then the artist then the album then the tracknumber.The secondary setting are important to make the sorting accurate, if there is only %artist% all the tracks of the same artist won't have any correct sorting.

Use the brackets " [ " , "]" to use optional tag fields, use it if you know that there are only some files using the tag field named.

Use the restrict incoming files to to filter the kind of files which will be added (for example lossless formats so as not to have lossy format)

Adding and suppressing files from foobar

The importation takes quite a lot of time as foobar (and every advanced software) reads all the tags fields before adding them to the playlist, it also adds the information into the database if it is enabled . If you had activated this option, it will take time to import files only the first time, then it will be really shorter (could be 15sec for twenty thousand of files!!) as foobar automatically adds all files alread opened one time and then reads the information into its database (which is much faster). Supressing or adding files into foobar will never erase your files as the software is unable to do so. As a consequence, you can do evrything without fear for the loss of your files. Except if you are using the massdelete component. (couldn't make it blink and be phosphorescent)

Sorting files after having added them

Reading order

Playlist Tabs

Foobar is one of of the (very) rare sofwares allowing you to have several playlists at the same time. If the idea is quite simple, it is very useful. As you can switch between playlist sorted in different ways: format files, artist, year, etc.. Allowing you to have a really various range of playlists

Creating/saving a playlist from selected files

The console

Just a few words (as everybody knows the buttons):