
Official page (not updated since 2001!!)


Audio software are using more and more technics to level the audio gain, so as to put each track at the same level. But there are several drawbacks: The foobar bridled (right word?) solution has none of these defaults. It's based on replaygain, standard which the software uses and has the following odds:

Replaygain review

How is applied replaygain

The use of replaygain in foobar is very easy, it's avaible from the contextual menu (righ click) and is applied to the selected track(s):
There are five ways for action:
  • Scan per-file track gain: will calculate only the track gain value, not the album one.
  • Scan selection as album: will calculate the track gain and the album gain considering that the whole selection is one album
  • Scan selection as multiple album: will calculate the track gain and the album gain using the tags to see where are the boundaries of each album, (see below for changing this criterion). It will calculate each album value.
  • Remove replaygain info from files, will remove all the calculated values in each file, as said above, there is no use to do this theorically
  • Edit replaygain info: to change the replaygain info, shouldn't be used except with perfect knowledge of what you're doing

By default, the scanner consider the value %album% of tags to delimit the albums, but the user can chage this behavior in the preference menu:

For example, you can use %composition% (only an example..). This tool is only present in foobar and will allow every user with a properly tagged record library to obtain the two values for all his files in only two clicks (but it will need several hours..)
