First steps
About tags
CD writer
Context menu
0.9.X manual
Contextual menu
On this page, I've just got together some parts of different pages about the contextual and added the missing descriptions.
Remove : will remove the file from the playlist
Crop : will delete all the files not selected and keep the selected one in the playlist
Show file info special : see here Tag displaying
Fix mp3 header :To correct the length of your files for a gapless reading (see here for more information)
masstagger : See here:Masstagger
MP4 utilities :
Convert to mp4 : will put the file in an mp4 Container. You can choose to do it in the same directory or not. See here Tags .
Extract mp4 track(s) : will extract the contained file and give it back into its native format. You can choose to do it in the same directory or not. See here Tags .
Optimize mp4 layout : It restructures the layout of the MP4 a bit IIRC.
Convert : See here Diskwriter
Database search : will search in the database the info linked to the selected field. For more information, see here: Database search
Create ogg preview : will create an ogg preview of the file, it is not an ogg converter.
To configure it: See here
Search command : will search an action to perform (quicktag replaygain etc..) just type the wanted action.
Write Audio CD : For more information, see here CD writer
Edit :
Cut tracks : will do the same as Ctrl+X: copy the file in the clipboard and removes it from the playlist
Copy tracks : will do the same as Ctrl+C: copy the files in the clipboard.
Collect tracks : will add the track(s) to the clipboard with those already in it
Paste tracks : will do the same as Ctrl+V: paste the tracks at the end of the playlist
Insert tracks : will insert the tracks before the selected file
Play : will start to play the selected file
Database :
Reload info from file(s) : will reload the tags and information from the file instead of from the database
Reload info from files if changed : will see if the file has been changed since it has been added to the database and reload info only if it waschanged
Rewrite tags from database : will rewrite the tags into the file from the database, useful if you did something wrong with the masstagger
Remove tags from files : will remove all the tags from the file
Remove file from the database : will removce the file from the database (not itself)
Copy name : will copy the name of the file in the clipboard. you will be able to paste it for personal use
Open directory : will open the directory of the file. Useful to delete files or correct the name of the files, check the conversion etc...
Replaygain : See here Replaygain
freedb : See here: Freedb
Properties : See here Tag displaying
Save to playlist : See here Creating/saving a playlist from selected files
Send to playlist : See here Creating/saving a playlist from selected files
Massdelete (optional): See here: Adding and suppressing files from foobar
Quicktag (optional): See here: Quicktag
Edit the context menu
If you find that the contextual menu is too long or heavy, you can supress several entries and reorganize them as you want, which could lighten the use of foobar.You can Remove , Rename , move up/down or insert entries. It is quite straightforward and simple of use. If it is too messy, you can Reset the menu . Another proof of the foobar modularity.