New features
Here are some of the notable improvements in Foobar 0.9
Customizable buttons (Option)
Simplified preferences menu
Media Library and autoplaylist creator.
Fully customizable layout with UI columns (Option)
Scripts based on Titleforrmatting syntax improved with more options (usually known as TAGZ)
Ability to move complete directories with the masstagger
Masstagger improvements such as available scripts from the context menu
Basic freedb component to tag your files (Option)
Better management of the Media library (Database in 0.8.3 version)
Secure ripping and offset correction
Ability to create .cue sheets/chaptered albums
ID3v2.4 support by default
Volume control by default
simplified Media Library rescanning
Missing or deleted options
no seeking with AAC
no more possibility to wrap/unwrap AAC/MP3 files within MP4 container (Option)
can't set buffering anymore for the converter
no choice for an alternate mp3 decoder
limited choice for output (padding, low bitdepth, etc...)
no more possibility of virtual tagging ??
Go back to the website
October 06 2007 18:47:52.