Album Art panel


You can download covers thanks to different softwares. Covers can be embedded in files or stored in a folder. Both solutions have their advantages : embedded covers are sometimes supported on portable devices while it's not the case for external covers, on the other hand, as ID3 tags are not standard embedding could be problematic and saving the same cover in the tracks of the same album wastes space (especially if the covers are big). As a consequance, I recommend to store your covers as images files and not embedded.

Album Art panelis a graphic extra and may increase your CPU usage.







If you want more images for album without covers, this is a tip to switch between 10 pictures instead of only one. Change the last line from :


And then put (in the "components" folder of foobar2000) ten different images of your choice called:

Refreshing the image will restart the script and can change the image if it does not fit you. If this tip works, it's not a reason to turn foobar into a picture viewer ;-) .

It may use some CPU resources and create gaps.

Using this tip with the option Album covert art follows cursor even when playing is strongly direcommended as the software will have to generate a random number, choose the image, resize it at each track when you are selecting several tracks.. extremely slow..

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July 14 2008 15:32:23.    

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