- Peter Pawlowski for this marvelous software (and his co-developer(s))
- Foosion for his comments, advice and plugins
- Guruboolez for his french guide and his authorization to translate it. This manual is based on his work.
- Cylence aka. Shoggynou for graphic help
- Kode54,cwbowron for their numerous plugins
- musicmusic for all his work and especially UI columns which attracted numerous users to foobar2000
- Garf and foosion for foo_sic, really great idea !!
- All developers for their work and plugins
- Langoustator for his comments, advice, corrections and ideas
- kanak for his numerous grammatical, spelling and typos corrections, he rewrote the features page
- Erich w/ an h for grammar, spelling, typos corrections
- Brother John for his UI columns scripting tutorial
- Eejadx who updates permanently the Wiki and especially the components page
- Seldaek who does the same on HA forums
- picmixer for his icons and authorization to use his HydrogenAudio .fcs
- Psyphre for his authorization to use is config
- Lyx and Neksus for The Navigator suite and Azrael.
- david_dl for CoverDownloader, really nice program
- nexus09 for AlbumArtAggregator
- Unart for his comments and advice
- HydrogenAudio, members for their comments, questions, interest in foobar2000
- All members contributing to the wiki
- alsacreations and members for their advice
- iubito for his menu
- And all the people I forgot
May 17 2009 16:51:43.