It works with the Media library So be sure to have it enabled and filled with your music.
Autoplaylist playlists are locked: You can't add or delete files. You can note that thanks to the little icon in the status bar at the bottom of your screen:
However, you can still remove and rename your autoplaylists.
This components will create dynamic playlists linked to your media library. As an example, if you create a playlist with all Alicia Keys songs and add days later a new album of this artist into the Media Library, the playlist will atomatically update with the new songs. Quite nice, isn't it?Use
First, read carefully the help. There is almost everything there. ![]()
Create the playlists where your files will be added before launching the Autoplaylist manager and finally use Add autoplaylist (it will populate the playlist) or Remove to manage your autoplaylists.
Don't forget to use brackets with your logical operators.
Use quotation marks (") to insert titleformatting function such as $replace()
Questions often asked
How to add all files in the Media Library ?
use a query which is always true. Like NOT all IS gold
How to add all files without any tag format ?
NOT %__tagtype% HAS tagtype for example :NOT %__tagtype% HAS id3v1
How to add all files without any track gain info ? (special behavior linked to replaygain tags)
%__replaygain_track_gain% IS ? or other replaygain tag fields
How to add all files in a special directory
%path% HAS directoryname\ use "\" to avoid including files with the directory name in their filename.
How to add all files without a certain tag (e.g rating, artist etc) ?
tagfieldname MISSING Example: rating MISSING
Tip & Trick
- Create an history with the autoplaylist manager
Using the playcounter plugin, you can create an history with:
Query : Last_played IS *
Sort Format : %last_played%
But newest files will be added at the end of the playlist.- Create a most listened playlist
With the playcounter plugin. Use :
Query : Play_counter GREATER 0
Sort Format : $subs(1000,%Play_counter%)
(Use more than 1000 if you need to but it should work well, listening to a track more than 1000 times may never happen..)
Most listened tracks will be at the beginning of your playlist
August 30 2007 02:08:14.