This program works according to your directory structure and is very efficient for mass-cover downloading. It uses amazon to get covers and requires NET framework 1.1.
- Choose your filepath with Browse
- Select your directory structure below file path or specify yours
- Click on get Albums
- Then you can use show no cover
- Double click on albums without covers, the first three matching covers will be displayed, you just have to double click on the cover to save it in the folder of your files
- You can select your server
- You can delete the saved image
- You can disable the option to get covers when double clicking.
- Right clicking on the directory tree will enable you to do mass cover downloading
Album Art Downloader XUI
This solution is more powerful (Wallmart, Buy.com, amazon, Rate this music covers, ability to choose where your files are saved, not limited to three entries, ability to launch the request from foobar itself) but a bit slower and a bit more complex.
- Download the latest Album Art Downloader XUI:
- You need also foo_run if you want to download covers directly from foobar:
- Preferences
Run services.
Enter the following line: C:\Program files\AlbumArtDownloader\albumart.exe Indicates where is installed the coverdownloader program
"C:\Program files\AlbumArtDownloader\albumart.exe" "%artist%" "%album%" "$replace(%_path%,%_filename_ext%,)cover.jpg" ![]()
$replace(%_path%,%_filename_ext%,)cover.jpg Indicates where files will be saved. Here, it will save the cover with the name "cover.jpg" into the folder of the file
You must change those lines according to your needs and installation.
- Click on add
- The via the contextual menu, go to Run
Search cover:
- A new window will pop up, you will have to wait a moment to download all covers:
- Just double click to save the cover (Note that the Save to field is already filled and that you didn't have to type the name of the artist or the album)
- You can use the option Close after saving art (under Settings) to close automatically the window when the cover is saved.
- You can do all the process manually without foo_run, but it is really longer
- Other options are available under Settings, they are quite straightforward.
Go back to main page
September 26 2007 00:26:52.